Our premier FIVE STAR delivery and training program adds unmatched value to your new boat purchase

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Dockside Walkthrough

  • Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems
  • Location and identification of all important components, safety features, through hulls and maintenance areas
  • Basic Engine Education: Engine starting, operation and routine maintenance checks
  • Review of owner’s manual and warranty
  • Care and cleaning

Electronics Calibration and Overview

  • Initial set up and calibration
  • Alignment of radar, wind instruments and autopilot
  • Basic instruction and review of all electronic components
  • Sea trial with demonstration

Underway Training and Practical Application

  • Docking maneuvers and boat handling under power
  • Running rigging and line handling
  • Sail handling, furling, reefing, and trim
  • Tacking and jibbing
  • Mooring ball pick up and release
  • Anchor deployment, retrieval and windlass operation

At SLYS, we are dedicated to each customer having a top-notch buying and ownership experience. Our attention to detail continues years into your ownership and we pledge that a member of the our team will always be available by phone or in-person to answer any question or assist with any concern.

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