Co-Founder of Yachtfinders/Windseakers and President since 1982. Ron departed from his native country of South Africa in 1967 on a 35′ gaff-rigged wooden cruising sailboat. After two years of extensive cruising (the old-fashioned way – with no electronics and no engine) in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Pacific Oceans, He landed in Hawaii where he spent the next several years racing sailboats while attending the University of Hawaii. Ron has a US Coast Guard 100-ton captain’s license with sail and towing endorsements, He has done coastal deliveries in both power and sail boats and is comfortable operating all types of vessels up to 75-feet. Other boating venues have included San Francisco Bay and Delta area, Lake Tahoe, Southern California and Mexico. Ron recently sold his Olson 40 sailboat and is experiencing being boatless for the first time in over 25 years. “A unique experience that I am sure will not be long-lived,“ says Ron.